The Story of freedom

In accordance with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s mission, this website attempts to “de-racialize” our vision and “de-colonialize” our imaginations of the world. It’s time to build peace through humanity and create dialogue upon mutual understanding.

Middle Passage Voyages
Middle Passage Ports
Middle Passage Deaths
+ 0
Middle Passage Survivals
+ 0

Learn About the routes of Enslaved Peoples project

Sites of memory

Fort Negley

First TN Site of Memory

Fort Negley

Freedmen's Town

7 Sites of Memory in Houston

Freedmen's Town

Middle Passage Sites

Ports of Entry on the Middle Passage Voyage

Middle Passage Sites

three steps to Confronting difficult stories

Understanding, Dialogue, peace

“Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that the defences of peace must be constructed.”

– UNESCO constitution



There is no part of the United States that is untouched by slavery. How can we heal as a nation?



Discussion about the past is key to developing empathy. Listen. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.



“Love your neighbor as yourself”

– Mark 12:31

It's time to tell our Story truthfully

No part of our nation is untouched by slavery. Its roots still remain. What will you do to make a difference?

This project

